Wednesday, 22 June 2011

AMUTA resolution regarding outsiders at Proctor's Office

S. Mustafa Zaidi
Hony. Secretary
Teaching Staff Club, AMU, Aligarh, 202002
0571-3203520(O); 0571-2720011 (R); 09411802364 (M)

June 20, 2011
Unanimous resolutions passed by the Executive Committee meeting of the AMU Teachers’ Association held on Sunday, 19th June, 2011 at 12:00 Noon at the Staff Club.
This meeting of the Executive Committee of AMU Teachers’ Association expresses its strong resentment over the orchestrated statements of outsiders against teachers in the premises of the Proctor’s Office. Such use of the offices of the University (involving outsiders against teachers) has never happened in the past and marks a new low of administrative accountability in the University. It has been observed recently that outside elements that have no connection with the University are invited to the Proctor’s Office and permitted and encouraged to issue statements against AMUTA, a legitimate representative body of teachers. The inducements and motivation for such activities are allegedly promises of better prospects for future employment.. Such activities at the Proctor’s Office are reprehensible and dangerous for the health of the University and so deserve all round condemnation.
          We would like to remind everyone that the events of April 28/29, 2011 of firing etc. that led to the sine-die closure originated at the Proctor’s Office, it included the use of firearms in the presence of District Administration. Later incidents like alleging “…stockpiling of arms…”, searching of hostels for the same etc., also concerned the Proctor. Similarly the report made by AMUTA regarding movement of suspicious characters near the VC lodge, as well as the episode of some students’ altercation with outsiders who were handed over to the police involved the personnel of the Proctor’s Office.

2.  This meeting resolves that while nominating candidates to various courses where inter- branch/stream preference is indicated due care should be taken to reflect the candidate’s choice of the branch in general and, at the Class XI level in particular. The report of the Academic Council's committee in this regard may also be expedited.
(S. Mustafa Zaidi)

Friday, 10 June 2011

CBI Enquiry: Action Committee Resolution June 10, 2011

S. Mustafa Zaidi
Hony. Secretary
Teaching Staff Club, AMU, Aligarh, 202002
0571-3203520(O); 0571-2720011 (R); 09411802364 (M)

Resolution of the Action Committee of AMUTA
held on 10.06.2011

The Action Committee welcomes the long awaited CBI probe directed by the President of India against Dr. PK Abdul Azis, Vice Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University, as reported in a section of the press. Further, the Action Committee congratulates the General Body of AMUTA and Executive Committee on its successful struggle to safeguard the future of this august seat of learning.
The Action Committee feels that through AMUTA’s democratic agitation the University was reopened within five (05) days of sine die closure, which is unprecedented, due to its dharna. The news report of the directives for CBI probe has come on the thirtieth day of relay hunger strike by AMUTA and the fortieth day of dharna.
The Action Committee is fully aware that a CBI probe entails an investigation into a crime, in short, it is a criminal procedure. This strengthens the conviction that with whatever resources at hand if a struggle is carried out genuinely, seriously and consistently then the portrayed impossible becomes possible.
The Action Committee is of the view that the Vice Chancellor now has no moral ground to continue in office and therefore demands that to maintain the dignity and integrity of a high public office Dr. Azis should immediately resign. However, if Dr. Azis does not do so then the President in her capacity as the Visitor, the appointing and corollary the disciplinary authority of the Vice Chancellor, shall ask Dr. Azis to demit office. With Dr. Azis and his appointees at the helm of affairs there is a great need to be vigilant, especially in view of the ongoing admissions, appointments of non-teaching and subordinate staff and construction works, purchases, etc., out of the XIth Plan grant.
It is therefore demanded that Dr. Azis, Vice Chancellor, Prof. VK Abdul Jaleel, Registrar, and Ms. Yasmeen Jalal, Finance Officer, shall immediately declare their assets at the time of joining their respective offices and as on date. The Action Committee also demands that no major action shall be taken by Dr. Azis who is presently under the scanner.
The Action Committee notes that Dr. Azis has used the Public Relations Office to perpetuate propaganda to mislead the public, for example, the press releases regarding the clean chit given to him by AMU Fact Finding Committee and UP CAG.  The Proctor and Dr. Azis in order to defend the unwarranted sine die closure of the University spread canard of massive presence of arms and criminals on the Campus defaming the University. Dr. Azis also misled the Ministry of HRD about the violent events leading to the sine die closure of the University concealing the fact that violence took place at the Proctor’s office, including the firing from inside the office.
The Action Committee therefore in view of the above and outstanding demand of the General Body of May 1, 2011, for the removal of the Vice Chancellor and the Proctor, resolves to continue the dharna from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. However, in view of the CBI probe being ordered it decides to call off its hunger strike for the time being.

(S. Mustafa Zaidi)

Representation AMU Teacher's Association to Visitor June 2011 Regarding Enquiry

S. Mustafa Zaidi
Hony. Secretary
Teaching Staff Club, AMU, Aligarh, 202002
0571-3203520(O); 0571-2720011 (R); 09411802364 (M)

June 6, 2011
Smt Pratibha Patil
Hon’ble President of India (Visitor, Aligarh Muslim University)
Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi

Subject: Request to initiate action against Dr. P K Abdul Azis on the basis of the Interim Report of two judge AMU Fact Finding Inquiry Committee constituted by you in your capacity as the Visitor of the University under Section 13(6) of the AMU (Amendment) Act, 1981.

Your Excellency,

Under the advice of the Action Committee of the Aligarh Muslim University Teachers Association (AMUTA) (copy attached as trailing text below) I was required to write a letter to you in your capacity as the Visitor of the University to apprise of the grave situation prevailing at the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU).

I would therefore first of all like to take the opportunity to apprise you that the General Body of the AMUTA has now been staging a dharna for more than one (01) month and relay hunger strike for the last four (04) weeks to focus attention on the administrative incompetence and corrupt practices of the Vice Chancellor and rampant corruption on the campus the solution for which, it is felt, can be none other than the removal of Dr. P K Abdul Azis as Vice Chancellor of AMU.

It may be recalled that in your capacity as the Visitor of the University, you had constituted a two member AMU Fact Finding Inquiry Committee (AMUFFIC) comprising Justice (Retd.) Fakhruddin and Mr A H Jung, to look into the prima facie financial and administrative irregularities of Dr. Azis. The Committee could not continue the probe due to non-cooperation on the part of the University administration headed by Dr. Azis. The said committee submitted its observations and resigned in disgust at the blatant sabotaging by the Vice Chancellor and his administrative team.

Subsequently, you re-constituted AMUFFIC comprising two judges, Justice (Retd.) B A Khan and Justice (Retd) A N Divecha. The University spent nearly a crore (Rs 100 lakhs) on this second committee, including payment of salary that does not exclude pension received by the two judges, exorbitant transportation allowances to the tune of Rs 40,000 per month, providing residential attendants to the judges, etc. It may also be noted that in violation of your directives, the meetings of this Committee were held in Delhi in consultation with Dr. Azis.

The second AMUFFIC submitted an Interim Report, on the chronologically first four allegations, indicting Dr. Azis of gross financial irregularities to his pecuniary benefit and the same is awaiting decision and necessary action on your part. It may be noted that Dr. Azis was found guilty of financial irregularities and mismanagement by the Finance Wing of Kerala Government recommending strict disciplinary action against him, which could not be initiated since he was appointed Vice Chancellor, AMU. It is interesting to note that Dr Azis managed to conceal this fact and the then President of India was kept in the dark. Again it may be noted that UP Comptroller-Accountant General for the year 2008-2009 indicted Dr. Azis of financial irregularities and accused him of preferring to become a part of the financial collapse at AMU instead of arresting it.

The pendency is agitating the AMU community at large and teachers in particular since it is learnt from reliable sources that Dr. Azis, misusing his office and funds of the University, is not leaving any stone unturned to pressurize and mislead to ensure that no action is initiated against him. Some of the misleadings are:

  1. Dr. Azis is deliberately concealing the fact that the Interim Report pertains to only four (04) allegations out of sixty five (65) allegations found fit to be inquired into, whereas the allegations were picked up purely in chronological order by the AMUFFIC.
  2. Dr. Azis has been using fictitious and letterhead societies and associations to write in his favour to mislead the offices.
  3. The present sine die closure is being portrayed as a requirement because of the big haul of arms present on the Campus, whereas the searches of the premises showed no presence of arms.
  4. During his tenure Dr. Azis has been claiming of taking AMU to new academic heights whereas he has not started a single new course. In fact, academics have been the last on his agenda reflected by the fact that the academic session 2010-2011 has been a zero session for PhD admissions and it is for the first time in history of the University that the attendance requirement for various courses was reduced to 30% from 75%.

I would like to apprise you that General Clauses Act clearly specifies that the appointing authority is the disciplinary authority. In the instant case you as the Visitor of the University have the jurisdiction for initiating disciplinary inquiry against Dr. Azis, including suspending him for the period of Inquiry. Further, Prevention of Corruption Act 1986, places Vice Chancellors as public servants liable to be proceeded against in similar manner.

I request that you may please expedite the entire procedure to enable the University to come out of the imbroglio and resume its climb to academic excellence. 

I further request in continuation of my earlier requests and reminders to kindly grant the AMUTA an audience to enable it to present the entire matter to you in detail personally.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(S. Mustafa Zaidi)

Copy to: All members of AMU Teachers’ Association

(President’s Secretariat, Request/Grievance Registration Number: PRSEC/E/2011/08901)

RESOLUTION AMUTA ACTION COMMITTEE June 3, 2011 regarding AMUFFIC Interim Report :Pending action by Visitor

June 3, 2011

HELD ON 01.05.2011

The Action Committee took stock of the present situation vis-à-vis the Interim Report submitted on March 21, 2011 by the two judge AMU Fact Finding Inquiry Committee constituted by the President of India in her capacity as the Visitor of the University and its now long pendency for initiating action.

The Action Committee, under authorization of the General Body of AMUTA, resolved that the Hony. Secretary shall write a letter to the President of India in her capacity as the Visitor apprising her of all the resolutions of AMUTA with regard to the Vice Chancellor and his functioning, the recent unwarranted third time sine die closure of the University attaching newspaper reports and the manner in which Dr Azis is trying to manipulate the situation by getting various fictitious and letterhead societies and associations to write in his favour to mislead the offices.

The Action Committee further resolved to emphatically request the President of India to recall that the AMU Fact Finding Inquiry was instituted to probe into the prima facie case of gross financial irregularities against Dr P K Abdul Azis the Vice Chancellor who was found to be personally responsible for the irregularities. 

(Prof Abdul Qaiyum)                                                                (S Mustafa Zaidi)
President, AMUTA                                                                  Hony. Secretary, AMUTA

Thursday, 9 June 2011

NAAC Demerits : Letter to VC : Also Link to YouTube video of speech of FEDCUTA President Dr. Aditya Narayan Mishra at AMUTA Staff Club

S. Mustafa Zaidi
Hony. Secretary
Teaching Staff Club, AMU, Aligarh, 202002
0571-3203520(O); 0571-2720011 (R); 09411802364 (M)

June 7, 2011
The Vice-Chancellor
A.M.U., Aligarh

                After the sine-die closure of the University, suddenly every one got busy in NAAC accreditation activities as instructed by you. This issue was discussed threadbare by the Executive Committee of the AMUTA in its meeting held on June 03, 2011, in the backdrop of the developments and discussions held both here as well as at the national level in the past, of the resolution of the FEDCUTA Executive of May 19, 2011, and resolved that AMU “should reject any kind of rating/assessment by NAAC since the same would be subjecting the faculty to assessment by babus, which is bound to impinge on the autonomy of academic institutions and trigger a rat race for funds between various Universities and even departments within the same University.”
 I would also like to inform you that the Academic Council (under the Chairmanship of your distinguished predecessor Mr. Mohd. Hamid Ansari) had rejected the proposal of NAAC assessment in 2000-2001, as not really applicable and meant for Govt. Universities especially Central Universities as our funds do not depend upon any funding agency except the Govt. which is legally bound to fund us.
NAAC was conceived of at a time when privatization of higher education was on the anvil. Questions were being raised about the maintenance of quality in the private colleges and proposed universities, similarly some criteria were required to assess the dispersal of funds to State Govt. Universities (that get their primary funds from the State Govt.) by the Central Govt. funding agencies. Central Universities that get their complete funding from UGC were not originally covered, they were brought in much later, as an afterthought.  
All other Central Universities at that time had rejected the proposal. As of date JNU, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi University and IGNOU in Delhi have not been accredited, in
UP Dr.
BRA University Lucknow, BHU and Allahabad University have also not gone in for accreditation, only some of the new Central Universities have undertaken this exercise. In AMU, a few years back, when the UGC deducted some funds from the maintenance grant then a preliminary exercise was done. What happened to that exercise? This was again taken up when you became Vice-Chancellor AMU. Why are you repeating the same exercise the third time? What was lacking in the previous assessment that a new effort has to be made?
I trust you would agree that as educated people we should be convinced of the need/requirement/efficacy of an exercise for us to take it up. Just because UGC or any other Govt. agency desires something, shouldn’t become the sine qua non of its implementation. An opinion has also been expressed that accreditation impinges on our autonomy, on our capacity to tailor courses according to our special needs, on our capability to customise our education according to the socio-economic mix of our students, it emasculates innovation by prescribing a one size fits all formula that ultimately benefits the elite and not the deprived towards whom most of our efforts should be aimed.
The internal cost of going through this exercise in terms of manpower, man-days and of shifting focus away from teaching, evaluation and research even in monetary terminology shall be unaffordable and unreasonable. However in educational institutions it is the qualitative input which matters and there the implications of teachers being kept away from learning and research is mind boggling, but for what purpose? Has anyone done any cost benefit analysis of how the flows of funds have increased in institutions that have been accredited? Does anyone have any authentic facts and figures? We would with due respect point out that these are self serving exercises conceived to curb innovation, local variation and thus autonomy, and to perpetuate the hold of bureaucracy on educational institutions. By coming up with schemes like this they have the benefit of making self fulfilling prophesies.
Even a cursory perusal of the forms which are being distributed shall show their shallowness, some questions which are in form of pious hopes require a ‘yes” or ‘no’! do you think anyone shall say ‘no’? Similarly many questions being asked already have an answer in the central database of the University.
            May I also suggest, this exercise, if it has to be done at all and if it is to be carried out during summer vacations, then teachers are definitely entitled to Detention Leave on day to day basis.
In the end on behalf of AMUTA I would request you to have wider consultations and think through the implications, before you reach a point of no return.
With regards,
Sincerely yours,

(S. Mustafa Zaidi)

Pl find the link for Dr Aditya on NAAC.

Examination / Admission Remuneration Enhacement : Letter to VC

S. Mustafa Zaidi
Hony. Secretary
Teaching Staff Club, AMU, Aligarh, 202002
0571-3203520(O); 0571-2720011 (R); 09411802364 (M)

June 7, 2011

The Vice-Chancellor
A.M.U., Aligarh

            Subject: Enhancement of examination/admission related remuneration

            Your satisfaction with the conduct of the examinations and admission work is more than apparent from the press releases of the University and the letters sent to the Secretary, MHRD. However, we would like to point out that this became possible only because the AMUTA in its resolution dated May 11, 2011 had requested teachers “to participate wholeheartedly in the conduct of all admissions and examinations related work” (we had resolved to participate in the larger interest of the University, despite the fact that you had not met us that day).

In this backdrop many members of AMUTA have drawn attention to the meagre amount of remuneration paid to invigilators / Head invigilators / Asstt. Superintendents and Superintendents of examination centres. This problem becomes more acute when we find that those teachers who are asked to invigilate outside AMU are paid at much higher rates, i.e., Rs.700/- vs Rs.130/- for invigilation work and Rs.1500/- vs Rs.175/- for Superintendent of Examinations.  Those privileged enough to be sent outside Aligarh, not only get air-tickets + D.A. but also reimbursement of incidentals and higher rates of invigilation/superintendence of examinations.

            You may also recall that when examination related remuneration was enhanced some years back, some anomalies were created, for example the minimum rate of checking of answer-books/viva-voce remain the same they were earlier for certain courses, similarly the increased rates were not uniform, at some places the rates increased three times whereas in other examinations the rate was much lower. This happened because there was no rational method used for enhancement, I hope that you would give due consideration to this request for enhancement so that all teachers may get the same rates of remuneration for the same kind of work.

            With regards,

Sincerely yours,

(S. Mustafa Zaidi)

API reminder to VC referece letter to Registrar sent in May

S. Mustafa Zaidi
Hony. Secretary
Teaching Staff Club, AMU, Aligarh, 202002
0571-3203520(O); 0571-2720011 (R); 09411802364 (M)

June 7, 2011

The Vice-Chancellor
A.M.U., Aligarh

                I have written a letter to the Registrar, AMU vide D.No. 137/AMUTA   dated 23.5.2011  regarding advertisement for teaching posts dated 28th April, 2011, wherein the confusion regarding API etc. was pointed out. It was requested that the University may issue a clarification regarding the calculation of API score by individual applicants as the advertisement did not mention how it was to be calculated.
            I am sure that the applications are being processed now but many applicants have not been able to work out their API scores, this is a situation which should be resolved as early as possible. I am, therefore, requesting that you may kindly look into the matter and remove this confusion. The AMUTA is ready to offer any help in the finalization of this issue.
            With regards,

Yours sincerely,

(S. Mustafa Zaidi)

AMUTA Hony Secretary;s Report to Members at Begining of Summer Vacation

S. Mustafa Zaidi
Hony. Secretary
Teaching Staff Club, AMU, Aligarh, 202002
0571-3203520(O); 0571-2720011 (R); 09411802364 (M)

Letter to AMU Teachers                              June 01, 2011
I take this opportunity to congratulate the General Body of AMUTA for a successful month-long dharna and three week-long relay hunger strike for our demands; to immediately reopen the University; the removal of the Proctor for his anti-University utterances/actions; and resignation/ recall of the Vice-Chancellor for administrative and financial indifference, incompetence, incapability, mismanagement and irregularities. The first demand has been met successfully, as never before was the University reopened within a week of its sine die closure. The second demand of removal of the Proctor is cold shouldered by the Vice-Chancellor disregarding the immense damage caused to the fair name of the University. The third demand of resignation/ recall of the Vice Chancellor requires the intervention of the Visitor of the University. Therefore, the President and the Hony. Secretary of AMUTA went to Delhi and met Mr. Kapil Sibal, Minister HRD, in the evening of 30.05.11. The office bearers apprised the Minister that a number of representations, memoranda and requests have been made by the stakeholders in the University and therefore nothing new is to be added except an update of the situation, which is worsening with each passing day. We shared with him the perception that there appears to be a mismatch between the public pronouncements of the Congress Party and its Government on corruption and administrative inefficiency, mismanagement; and its visible support to Dr. Azis, whose continuance as Vice Chancellor is tarnishing the image of the University. The Minister, while appreciating the difficulties faced by the successive Visitorial Inquiry Committees, gave us a patient hearing and assured us of tangible results The meeting was held in a cordial and pleasant atmosphere. We returned with a feeling that our consistent stand on the issues of corruption, mismanagement of the University and the establishment of Centres outside Aligarh is at last finding resonance in the power corridors of the Government.
            We, with the help of  Mr. Waseem Ahmad, Ex-M.P, managed to meet Mr. Ahmad Patel, Political Secretary to Ms. Sonia Gandhi, Mr. Choudhary Birendra Singh, AICC General Secretary and member CWC as well as Mr. Harish Rawat, Union Minister of State, Agriculture and Food Processing Industries, who were already aware of our concerns with regard to continuance of Dr. Azis as the Vice-Chancellor. They appreciated our efforts to safeguard the character of Aligarh Muslim University against the establishment of Centres and promised their help in our endeavours.
            The members of the Action Committee shall be meeting soon to draw up future plan of action both in Aligarh and outside, so that when the University reopens in August, 2011 we have a new dispensation at the University.
The members of the AMUTA are informed that for the present there is no change in the programme of dharna and relay hunger strike, we shall continue our struggle as we are getting an encouraging response. However, there was a misleading and motivated press report in a section of the media of our withdrawing the relay hunger strike.
We warn the University administration not to be adventurous and force the AMUTA to intensify its agitation.
Finally it is appealed to all members to continue to visit the dharna and participate in the relay hunger strike demonstrate solidarity.

(S. Mustafa Zaidi)

Pamphlet Distributed on May 31,2011 (MBBS admission test)

S. Mustafa Zaidi
Hony. Secretary
Teaching Staff Club, AMU, Aligarh-202002
0571-2720011 (R); 09411802364 (M)

Present AMU Crises

            The Aligarh Muslim University with a glorious past has witnessed anti-university policies, rampant, financial irregularities and flagrant violation of rules and total indifference towards academics during the tenure of  the present Vice-Chancellor, Dr. PK Abdul Azis, who has been patronised and provided with strategic protection from his political masters in Delhi, which forced the Association to resort to agitational means to remedy the situation and save this premier national institution from annihilation.
            The Association has been on dharna and relay hunger strike for nearly a month, demanding removal of the Vice-Chancellor and the Proctor from their office immediately as the only solution of the present crises. Despite repeatedly apprising the Visitor, the Prime Minister and UPA Chairperson there has not been any reasonable response from them although there is a claim by them of rooting out the corrupt and corruption from public life.     
Among other failures of Dr. PK Abdul Azis the latest was the sine die closure of the University on 29.4.2011 for the third time in four years, on the false pretext of violent clash at the Proctor’s Office, when there was firing even from inside the Proctor’s Office, in the presence of police personnel. The Association immediately unequivocally condemned the violence and requested a time-bound enquiry into the incident to fix responsibility and punish the guilty. Although crores of University funds have been spent on installing CCTV cameras even the names of the persons firing from within the Proctor’s Office have interestingly not been revealed till date. For the first time in its history the University was closed sine die within two hours on a mere report of junior staff of the District Administration, causing irreparable academic loss to thousands of innocent students as also undue financial hardship. The closure was typical of coercive and intimidating style of functioning of Dr. Azis.
            The Proctor maligned the fair name of our glorious University by falsely alleging that arms were stock-piled in hostels and from where anti-social elements were operating, which was subsequently found baseless and even then Dr. Azis is not willing to sack him.
            The following acts of omission and commission by Dr Azis, during his stay at AMU as well as his previous assignment, deserve special mention:
  1. Before joining AMU, Dr. Azis was indicted on financial mismanagement and administrative lapses by the Finance Inspection Wing of the Govt. of Kerala, which recommended ‘strict disciplinary action’ against him.  
  2. At AMU, the Annual Audit Report (2008-2009) of Comptroller and Auditor General, Allahabad, exposed his financial irregularities and held him and the Registrar responsible for financial mismanagement.
  3. The Interim Report submitted in March 2011 by two judge Fact Finding Inquiry Committee ordered by the President of India too has indicted Dr. Azis of financial irregularities. 
  4. Dr. Azis is more interested in illegal AMU Centres, which will ruin the basic residential character of the University, to fulfill the design of the Congress to befool Muslims for electoral gains.

It is requested that all well-wishers will extend a helping hand to further the peaceful democratic agitation of the AMU Teachers’ Association to remove Dr. P K Abdul Azis and save our alma mater, a great seat of learning.