S. Mustafa Zaidi Hony. Secretary | Teaching Staff Club, AMU, Aligarh, 202002 0571-3203520(O); 0571-2720011 (R); 09411802364 (M) Email: Facebook: Blog: |
June 6, 2011
Smt Pratibha Patil
Hon’ble President of India (Visitor, Aligarh Muslim University) Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi
Subject: Request to initiate action against Dr. P K Abdul Azis on the basis of the Interim Report of two judge AMU Fact Finding Inquiry Committee constituted by you in your capacity as the Visitor of the University under Section 13(6) of the AMU (Amendment) Act, 1981.
Your Excellency,
Under the advice of the Action Committee of the Aligarh Muslim University Teachers Association (AMUTA) (copy attached as trailing text below) I was required to write a letter to you in your capacity as the Visitor of the University to apprise of the grave situation prevailing at the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU).
I would therefore first of all like to take the opportunity to apprise you that the General Body of the AMUTA has now been staging a dharna for more than one (01) month and relay hunger strike for the last four (04) weeks to focus attention on the administrative incompetence and corrupt practices of the Vice Chancellor and rampant corruption on the campus the solution for which, it is felt, can be none other than the removal of Dr. P K Abdul Azis as Vice Chancellor of AMU.
It may be recalled that in your capacity as the Visitor of the University, you had constituted a two member AMU Fact Finding Inquiry Committee (AMUFFIC) comprising Justice (Retd.) Fakhruddin and Mr A H Jung, to look into the prima facie financial and administrative irregularities of Dr. Azis. The Committee could not continue the probe due to non-cooperation on the part of the University administration headed by Dr. Azis. The said committee submitted its observations and resigned in disgust at the blatant sabotaging by the Vice Chancellor and his administrative team.
Subsequently, you re-constituted AMUFFIC comprising two judges, Justice (Retd.) B A Khan and Justice (Retd) A N Divecha. The University spent nearly a crore (Rs 100 lakhs) on this second committee, including payment of salary that does not exclude pension received by the two judges, exorbitant transportation allowances to the tune of Rs 40,000 per month, providing residential attendants to the judges, etc. It may also be noted that in violation of your directives, the meetings of this Committee were held in Delhi in consultation with Dr. Azis.
The second AMUFFIC submitted an Interim Report, on the chronologically first four allegations, indicting Dr. Azis of gross financial irregularities to his pecuniary benefit and the same is awaiting decision and necessary action on your part. It may be noted that Dr. Azis was found guilty of financial irregularities and mismanagement by the Finance Wing of Kerala Government recommending strict disciplinary action against him, which could not be initiated since he was appointed Vice Chancellor, AMU. It is interesting to note that Dr Azis managed to conceal this fact and the then President of India was kept in the dark. Again it may be noted that UP Comptroller-Accountant General for the year 2008-2009 indicted Dr. Azis of financial irregularities and accused him of preferring to become a part of the financial collapse at AMU instead of arresting it.
The pendency is agitating the AMU community at large and teachers in particular since it is learnt from reliable sources that Dr. Azis, misusing his office and funds of the University, is not leaving any stone unturned to pressurize and mislead to ensure that no action is initiated against him. Some of the misleadings are:
- Dr. Azis is deliberately concealing the fact that the Interim Report pertains to only four (04) allegations out of sixty five (65) allegations found fit to be inquired into, whereas the allegations were picked up purely in chronological order by the AMUFFIC.
- Dr. Azis has been using fictitious and letterhead societies and associations to write in his favour to mislead the offices.
- The present sine die closure is being portrayed as a requirement because of the big haul of arms present on the Campus, whereas the searches of the premises showed no presence of arms.
- During his tenure Dr. Azis has been claiming of taking AMU to new academic heights whereas he has not started a single new course. In fact, academics have been the last on his agenda reflected by the fact that the academic session 2010-2011 has been a zero session for PhD admissions and it is for the first time in history of the University that the attendance requirement for various courses was reduced to 30% from 75%.
I would like to apprise you that General Clauses Act clearly specifies that the appointing authority is the disciplinary authority. In the instant case you as the Visitor of the University have the jurisdiction for initiating disciplinary inquiry against Dr. Azis, including suspending him for the period of Inquiry. Further, Prevention of Corruption Act 1986, places Vice Chancellors as public servants liable to be proceeded against in similar manner.
I request that you may please expedite the entire procedure to enable the University to come out of the imbroglio and resume its climb to academic excellence.
I further request in continuation of my earlier requests and reminders to kindly grant the AMUTA an audience to enable it to present the entire matter to you in detail personally.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(S. Mustafa Zaidi)
Copy to: All members of AMU Teachers’ Association
(President’s Secretariat, Request/Grievance Registration Number: PRSEC/E/2011/08901)