Thursday, 10 May 2012

AMU Teachers unequivocally condemns increasing incidents of violence on the campus

Unanimous resolution passed by the Consultative Committee of AMUTeachers’ Association in its meeting held on 10.5.2012 at 5:30 P.M. at theStaff Club

This Consultative Committee meeting of AMU Teachers’ Association (comprising elected members ofthe University Court, Executive Council, Academic Council, former Presidentsand Hony. Secretaries of AMUTA along with some teachers who have complained against student indiscipline) unequivocally condemns the increasing incidentsof violence on the campus. We are of opinion that violence should be dealt withand put down firmly; the teachers are ready to extend necessary cooperation to sincereefforts aimed at resolving crises and restoring normalcy. At the same time weare extremely anguished and express our sympathies with the victims of theviolence including students and others. We would appeal to our students tomaintain decorum and preserve the sanctity of the examination process, as disruptionsresult in academic loss. An essential step however, is to conduct an enquiryinto these recurring incidents to identify the causes, their perpetuators andagents.

The ConsultativeCommittee further, notes with alarm and condemns the escalating acts ofexamination related indiscipline at some examination centers. Writtencomplaints have been lodged that students including elected representatives andleaders are intimidating, threatening, employing offensive tone, using abusivelanguage, gheraoing and interfering in appointments of staff, examinationresults, conduct of examinations, naming of departments and courses etc.

At a few places (exampleFaculty of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of UnaniMedicine, Faculty of Social Sciences etc. as well as some departments) namedreports have been made against students and student leaders. It may be notedthat the University rules stipulate immediate action against a student on ateacher’s complaint, the enquiry follows subsequently. We urge upon the Proctorto carry out his statutory duty and take action and; the Hon’ble Members of theExecutive Council to ensure that proper action is taken, that can as a veryfirst step involve placing those areas where they have misbehaved, out ofbounds.

The membersexpress whole hearted support to the teachers under threat especially theEngineering College teachers and endorse their suggestions to consider keepingaway from the examination process to safeguard its inviolability, to go onstrike and even to file complaints including with the police, as unlawfulactivities are being committed without any check by the Proctor.

We would requestthat we may be intimated of the action taken by the University administrationon these complaints by close of office hourson Saturday (May 12, 2012). In case proper action is not initiated we shallconvene another Consultative Committee meeting to take stock of the situationand decide on future course of action (that may include convening G.B. meeting,token strike, filing of complaints, etc.) at 8:00 P.M. the same day.
(S. Mustafa Zaidi)
Hony. Secretary, Teaching Staff Club, AMU, Aligarh, 202002
0571-3203520(O); 0571-2720011 (R); 09411802364 (M)

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Letter to Members of Executive Council, AMU

S. Mustafa Zaidi
Hony. Secretary
Teaching Staff Club, AMU, Aligarh, 202002
0571-3203520(O); 0571-2720011 (R); 09411802364 (M)
May 02, 2012
The Hon’ble Members of the Executive Council
A.M.U., Aligarh
Through: The Registrar, A.M.U., Aligarh
A meeting of the Executive Council is notified to be held on May 3, 2012, wherein a number of important decisions are expected to be taken. I shall be obliged, if the following important and urgent matters are also brought to the notice of the Hon’ble Members of the Executive Council, so that they may deliberate and take appropriate decisions:
1. A number of written reports regarding misbehaviour and breech of discipline have been made by many teachers and other staff members. Copies of some of these complaints have also been marked to the Teachers’ Association, they relate to the Department of Ophthalmology, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Department of Psychology, Department of Law as well as misbehaviour in examination related work at the examination centres where mobiles are also being carried inside. The AMUTA has already sent a copy of its resolution regarding the examinations to the members of the Executive Council through the Registrar. The Association would request the members to kindly take note of the problems and issue appropriate directions to control and stop lawless intimidating behaviour on behalf of and by the students. (The original complaints were addressed to University functionaries and are available on record so we are not enclosing copies of the same).
2. The AMUTA has already drawn the attention of the Hon’ble Members to the totally unwarranted extension to the Registrar and through a resolution has requested for its review. Now attention has been drawn to salary abstract voucher no. 31 dated 30.4.2012 from AMU Fund Account for electricity charges Code No. 30416 wherein deductions made out of the salary of Prof. V.K. Abdul Jaleel (ID No. 18687), Registrar in the month of April, 2011 of Rs.84,440/- has been refunded by cheque no.167234 drawn on SBI, AMU Branch of Rs.84,440/-, along with a copy of the cheque, which however has number 167233 (Scans of voucher and cheque attached).
We would request the Executive Council to deliberate on this problem as there are reports that records are being tampered to convert the PVC Lodge, where the Registrar has lived, into an annexe of the University Guest House. The members would agree that this constitutes a very serious matter especially in the light of the findings of the CBI enquiry and would take an appropriate decision.
3. A number of teachers are awaiting promotion to senior scale for the last many years, that is being held up for some misinterpretation of rules modified by the previous corruption tainted Vice-Chancellor, Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis (resolutions already submitted in the University offices).
4. Merger of E/L and D/L for teachers promised under the V Pay Commission has still not been operationalized till now (papers available in the Registrar’s office).
5. Benefits under 61(3)(k) for higher qualifications are also being denied. Similarly many teachers have applied for condonation of break in service in some cases where the intermediate spell is as Guest Faculty these also require to be looked into.
6. Licence fee needs to be rationalized and the classification of houses at AMU needs to be looked into.
7. Teachers are being denied conference travel grant arbitrarily and there are no norms for this facility, a meeting of functionaries held recently came up with totally unrealistic rules which are also arbitrary, these need to be revoked and rational rules made.
8. There are written complaints made to the Vice-Chancellor and Deans where harassment at the instance of some University functionaries, such as Chairmen, Directors and the Principals has been alleged, special mentions must be made of the Principal, University Polytechnic against whom there are many allegations. The members of the Executive Council may kindly issue directions for time bound proper enquiry to be followed by restraining and punishing such actions.
9. Examination’s remuneration requires to be enhanced and the external examiners should be treated as University guests as was the practice earlier.
(S. Mustafa Zaidi)
Attachments: As stated above