Wednesday, 11 January 2012

CBI Interim Report: AMU VC Azis guilty

S. Mustafa Zaidi
Hony. Secretary
Teaching Staff Club, AMU, Aligarh, 202002
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January 11, 2012

Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis
The Vice-Chancellor
A.M.U., Aligarh

Dear Professor Azis,

It is with great pain and anguish that I am writing this letter enclosing a unanimous resolution of the Executive Committee of AMU Teachers’ Association asking you to leave AMU forthwith to maintain the dignity of the office you hold.

We never in our wildest dreams imagined that we would write such a letter to an incumbent Vice-Chancellor of AMU, who unfortunately frittered away an enormous amount of goodwill and support of the University community in actively initiating and participating in the conspiracy to destroy the basic structure of AMU; and who also indulged in willful violation of administrative and financial rules and procedures leading to personal benefits.

Sincerely yours,

(S Mustafa Zaidi)

S. Mustafa Zaidi
Hony. Secretary
Teaching Staff Club, AMU, Aligarh, 202002
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January 11, 2012

Unanimous Resolutions passed by the Executive Committee of the
Aligarh Muslim University Teachers’ Association (AMUTA) at its
Emergent Meeting held on Jan. 11, 2012 at 5:30 PM

This meeting expresses its satisfaction over the submission of the interim report of the CBI confirming that the charges of financial irregularities and misappropriation levelled against Dr. P.K. Abdul Azis and the Registrar and others are true. It now expects that Prof. Azis would resign forthwith keeping the dignity of the office of the Vice-Chancellor, AMU in mind. We also expect that the Congress led UPA Government fulfills its constitutional obligations and duties by immediately sacking Dr. Azis and initiating exemplary administrative and disciplinary action against not only Dr. Azis but all others who were hand in glove with him in the project to destroy the basic structure of Aligarh Muslim University, the premier educational institution established by the Muslims of India.

The Executive Committee is of opinion that this interim report has not only removed the fig leaf of respectability from the misdemeanours of Dr. Azis and his associates but also exposed the failure of the Congress led UPA Government in not taking timely action against Dr. Azis. Moreover, we also condemn the top leaders of the Congress party in taking credit for the establishment of illegal AMU off Campus Centres on the false premise of benefits to the Muslim community. These actually expose the conspiracy to destroy AMU by foisting Dr. Azis, a person already indicted by the Government of Kerala, on AMU to facilitate the setting up of the illegal Centres.

We, therefore, demand that:
  • Dr. Azis should not get any retirement/terminal benefits till he is absolved of all charges made against him.
  • The publication of the “coffee table book” detailing the “achievements” of the present University administration, should be stopped forthwith and the tax payers money should not be wasted on unnecessary publicity and questionable and false propaganda. Failing this, all persons responsible for the preparation and distribution of this unauthorized propaganda vehicle should be identified and made liable to repay this money to the University.
  • Enquiry should be instituted by the Executive Council to uncover the misdeeds from 2007 to date, responsibility fixed and punishments meted out.

To focus on our demands and to exhibit that Dr. Azis is no longer needed in AMU, the Executive Committee decides to put up banners & posters all over the campus asking Dr. Azis to quit and the Government to sack him after this indictment.

  • It resolves to observe Hunger Strike from 10 AM to 5 PM on Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012 at the Dharna site (AMU Staff Club). The Hunger Strike shall be joined by those members of the Action Committee and of the General Body who wish to do so.
  • On the reopening of the University, a march to the Administrative Block be organized on Monday, Jan. 16, 2012 from the Staff Club to focus on the obscenity of an indicted person heading an educational institution of the status of AMU.

Members are requested to join in large numbers to make the programme a success.

 (S. Mustafa Zaidi)

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